Case Studies

Boosting Volograms’ innovation with scalable GCP infrastructure

Written by Jana Brnakova | May 31, 2024

Volograms, a company specializing in creating AI-powered 3D volumetric holograms, ran their infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS). They sought a partner to compare their AWS setup with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in terms of price optimization, scalability, and security. 

In this case study, we explore how we partnered with Volograms to design a secure and scalable Google Cloud Platform (GCP) infrastructure.

Comparing AWS and GCP infrastructures

Previously, Volograms relied on a cloud-based Amazon Web Services (AWS) system to run their application. They used tools like Cognito and Appsync to manage user logins and control what users could do within the application. Data, like user profiles and 3D creations, were kept safe in storage tools like DynamoDB and S3.

To create the special 3D effects, Volograms used a combination of tools working together. StepFunctions acted like a conductor, telling other tools (like ECS and Lambda) what to do in the right order. All these tools were kept together for easier management in a secure, private network within AWS.

“The existing system on Amazon Web Services worked well, but moving to Google Cloud Platform could offer some benefits. GCP makes it easier to control who has access to what information and manage different projects. Designed infrastructure with on-demand VM instances would allow Volograms to run their application more smoothly, efficiently and keep it up-to-date more easily than the current AWS setup.” — David Kotalík, Senior Delivery Cloud Architect at Revolgy.

Creating a Google Cloud organization for Volograms would simplify access controls across projects. We also avoided using resources like the “default” VPC and service account, opting instead for custom configurations with more granular permissions. Finally, we opted for Terraform, a leading infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, for efficient project management.

The proposed GCP architecture leverages virtual machines (VMs) running Container-Optimized OS by Google. This allows Volograms to run container images instead of a traditional operating system, enhancing efficiency. Additionally, GCP services are utilized to mirror the functionalities of their AWS counterparts.

“The GCP design Revolgy presented was well-considered and addressed our security and scalability needs. We appreciate their expertise in cloud infrastructure.” — Jan Ondrej, Co-Founder & CTO at Volograms

About Volograms

Volograms, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, is a frontrunner in AI-powered 3D volumetric holograms. Their innovative technology allows for the creation of realistic, three-dimensional holographic projections using a single camera. This opens doors for a wide range of applications, from immersive communication and product demonstrations to interactive entertainment experiences.


GCP’s design offers Volograms a scalable and efficient infrastructure for their 3D holograms. Granular access control, optimized VMs, and IaC tools address Volograms’ needs and ensure smooth operation. This empowers Volograms to focus on development and lead the way in volumetric holograms.

Do you want to learn more about Revolgy and our services? Contact us for a free consultation with one of our experts on cloud solutions.