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How Revolgy helps your business implement AI solutions

Written by Jana Brnakova | June 6, 2024

The world is driven by data, and artificial intelligence is the key to unlocking its true potential. It automates tasks, generates insights, and fuels innovation. But navigating the complexities of AI implementation can be a challenge.

That’s where having an experienced partner can make all the difference. As a Google Cloud Partner with over 10 years of experience, we’ve successfully delivered numerous AI projects. With our expertise in cloud solutions, we’re here to guide you on your AI journey, from concept to implementation.

Building a strong foundation for AI success

Every successful AI project begins with clean, organized data. Our team uses Google Cloud’s powerful data pipeline tools to ensure seamless data integration and efficient processing. This clean data is the fuel that powers your AI models.

Many AI projects start with proper data preparation and data pipelines. At Revolgy, we excel in building and maintaining these pipelines to ensure your data is always ready for the next step.

We help customers streamline their data journey with robust pipelines leveraging GCP BigQuery, PubSub, DataFlow, GCS, Dataproc, Composer, Workflows, and Cloud Scheduler. Our expertise ensures smooth integration and optimization, paving the way for efficient data processing and analysis and setting the foundation for advanced AI solutions. Looker visualization is included to provide clear insights.

Your AI journey with Revolgy

We leverage native Google Cloud Platform (GCP) solutions like Vertex AI with AutoML, Vertex AI Model Garden, and GenAI Studio. Additionally, our team is skilled in using Python, Django, FastAPI, Docker, and Kubernetes for custom scenarios, ensuring we can meet your specific AI needs.


We know that one size doesn’t fit all. Whether you’re looking to detect fake news, analyze customer sentiment, utilize natural language processing APIs, leverage large language models (LLMs), employ a coding assistant, or tackle specialized tasks such as OCR, text generation, audio signal processing, or time series analysis, our proficiency ensures advanced machine learning solutions.

We take a transparent and collaborative approach with all our customers:

  • Discovery & evaluation: We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and recommend the most suitable AI model and technology.
  • Model implementation & training: Our team takes care of model configuration, training with your data (including data labeling), and deployment.
  • Results & handover: We provide a comprehensive report with accuracy measurements, comparisons, and suggested next steps. We also offer training to empower you to manage your AI infrastructure.

Our AI solutions extend beyond Google Cloud. We can help you leverage tools like Dialogflow, a natural language understanding platform for building chatbots, and Gemini for Google Workspace, a real-time conversational AI assistant that boosts productivity.

At Revolgy, we don’t just implement AI solutions; we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your AI infrastructure continues to run smoothly and effectively, and our AI solutions are designed to be scalable and adaptable to future technological advancements.

Do you want to know more about our AI solutions? Schedule a free consultation with our cloud expert.

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