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The power of APIs in cloud migration and management

Written by Jana Brnakova | May 24, 2024

According to a recent study, 94% of businesses worldwide already use cloud technology. As companies move their IT infrastructure to the cloud, leveraging APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) is critical for success. APIs enable different software systems to communicate effortlessly, making the migration smoother and more efficient.

This article explores how APIs enhance cloud integration, automation, scalability, and security, making them essential for any modern enterprise undertaking a cloud journey.

What are APIs?

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are sets of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. They act as bridges, enabling diverse systems to work together seamlessly. For example, a travel booking site communicates with airlines and hotels through APIs to provide you with the best options.

Different types of APIs

APIs can be categorized in different ways depending on the focus.

By audience

  • Public APIs (Open APIs): They’re freely available for anyone to use, though they may require registration or an API key, with examples like Google Maps and weather services.
  • Private APIs (Internal APIs): Designed for use within a single organization and not accessible to the public.
  • Partner APIs: Shared with a select group of approved partners. Not open to the general public but accessible to external partners for specific purposes.

By architecture

  • Monolithic APIs: Large, single APIs providing access to a complex data source. Often found in public APIs.
  • Microservices APIs: Broken down into smaller, independent services, each serving a specific function. More flexible and scalable than monolithic APIs. Examples include separate APIs for user authentication or order processing in an e-commerce system.
  • Composite APIs: Combine calls to multiple APIs into a single request. Useful for tasks requiring data from multiple sources.
  • Unified APIs: Bundle related calls to different APIs, often from entirely different systems. Their aim to provide a cohesive interface for disparate services. As an example, think of a unified API for accessing various payment gateways.

How do APIs work?

APIs operate on a client-server model. The client sends a request, and the server processes it and returns a response. In other words, they act as intermediaries that enable different software applications to communicate.

APIs can function in several ways, depending on their design and purpose:

  • SOAP APIs: These APIs exchange messages in XML format using the Simple Object Access Protocol. Although less flexible and now less common, they were widely used in the past.
  • RPC APIs: Known as Remote Procedure Calls, these APIs allow the client to execute a function on the server, which then sends back the result.
  • WebSocket APIs: These modern APIs use JSON to transmit data and support real-time, two-way communication between the client and server. The server can send updates to the client as needed, making it more efficient than REST APIs.
  • REST APIs: Representational State Transfer APIs are the most popular and flexible. Clients send requests to the server, which processes them and returns the necessary data.

The role of APIs in cloud migration

APIs are essential in integrating various software systems during cloud migration. They allow for the automation of migration tasks, reducing the potential for human error and ensuring a smoother transition. APIs also ensure data portability, making moving data between different cloud environments easy without compatibility issues.

APIs in cloud management

Once you’re in the cloud, APIs continue to play a crucial role in managing your cloud resources effectively. API management comprises a suite of tools and services that allow developers and companies to create, monitor, operate, and scale APIs within secure environments. It can be implemented on-premises, via the cloud, or through a hybrid on-premises and SaaS (Software as a Service) model.

Here’s how:

  • Real-time monitoring & automated maintenance: APIs empower you to monitor your cloud infrastructure in real time, allowing for proactive maintenance and troubleshooting. This ensures your systems run efficiently and potential issues are identified before they disrupt operations.
  • Scalable solutions on demand: Cloud environments are inherently scalable, and APIs are key to unlocking this potential. By allowing for dynamic resource adjustments based on demand, APIs ensure your cloud infrastructure can adapt to changing needs, optimizing costs and performance.
  • Enhanced security: APIs provide a layer of security by offering controlled access to data and services. They enforce authentication protocols, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information.

How Revolgy helps with API integration

Revolgy customizes API solutions to fit each client’s unique needs. By adhering to best practices such as ensuring robust security measures, maintaining comprehensive documentation, and using standardized protocols, Revolgy ensures effective and secure API integration. Success stories from various clients highlight how Revolgy has leveraged APIs to optimize their cloud environments, enhancing performance and reliability.

Apitalks: Centralized API management system

Apitalks by Revolgy offers a robust solution for data sharing and API creation. Their API Store service connects private and government organizations with developers who want to use their data.

The goal is to make it easy for everyone to create APIs over their data and develop new products and services. This benefits data providers and developers by simplifying access, reaching a broader audience, and ensuring security and compliance.



APIs are indispensable in modern cloud migration and management, enabling seamless integration, automation, scalability, and security. Revolgy’s expertise in leveraging APIs ensures that clients can fully realize the benefits of cloud technology, driving their business success.

Contact us for more details on our API solutions or to discuss your cloud migration needs. Visit our blog for more insights into APIs and cloud technology.