Revolgy blog

Success story: Celebrating a 20-year milestone at Revolgy

Written by Berna Karataş | October 17, 2024

At Revolgy, we’re lucky to have extraordinary people who shape our company’s journey. One of them is Helena, who recently reached an incredible milestone — 20 years with us. 🎉

Joining the company nearly at its inception, she’s witnessed firsthand the evolution from a small Czech IT startup to a global tech innovator. Helena has grown alongside Revolgy, embodying its spirit of adaptability, curiosity, and constant pursuit of growth.

Join us as we sit down with Helena to look back on her incredible path and the invaluable insights she has gained along the way.

How did you first join Revolgy 20 years ago, and what attracted you to the company back then?

I was just one year into my first job in corporate finance, but I quickly realized that it wasn’t for me. Having studied at a technical school, my ambition was to join the innovative world of IT, which led me to Revolgy.

Back then, Revolgy was called CZ.BAT (and Netmail later on), and there were just four of us: Bob (the founder), two IT specialists, and me. We had shelves lined with installation CDs, provided rental equipment, and supported a totally different IT landscape. I was hired for an administrative role but really did everything, from coordinating IT specialists and client communication to making coffee! It was a small but exciting world to be part of, and I loved it. The chance to be part of a dynamic business and learn something new was what drew me in.


Helena, in her element, making work look effortless


You’ve been here since almost the beginning and have witnessed every single change and challenge that the company has gone through. Were there any moments that felt particularly challenging?

Definitely. My biggest challenge came when I returned from maternity leave after five years. When I left, there were only three people, and when I returned, we were a team of 20, and we’d become a Google service provider. It was intimidating, and I wasn’t sure they would need me anymore. But when I returned, I was offered an Office Manager role, and I could even choose part-time hours, allowing me to still be with my kids. That flexibility made the transition easier and gave me the confidence to adapt to a changing work environment.

Revolgy has always been open to supporting working mothers and giving us the space to thrive without compromising family life. This support truly makes all the difference.

Over the past twenty years, you have worn many different hats. Can you share how Revolgy has supported your growth and how your career has evolved along the way.

Over the years, I transitioned from Office Manager to Customer Training Coordinator, Hiring/HR Consultant, Back Office Manager, and finally, to my current role as Compliance & Payroll Specialist.

The first turning point came after a transition when our company shifted to Google services. I remember once at the train station, I had an “aha” moment when a colleague who was responsible for client trainings left the company, and I thought, “I’d like to do his job,” so I asked Bob if I could try it, and he said yes.

After a year or so, Bob came to me and asked if I’d like to try hiring and HR. I thought, “Why not?” And here we are, years later, I’m here in my role as Compliance & Payroll Specialist.

That’s how my journey has been – whenever I saw something new, I had the freedom to pursue it. It’s a part of Revolgy’s DNA to let people pursue paths that interest them and grow in any direction, which keeps work interesting and challenging.

Each role pushed me out of my comfort zone and let me learn something new. Revolgy has given me space to grow in ways I never planned, and I’m excited to see what comes next.


Helena at the Revolgy Kick-off event in January 2024


You’ve been with Revolgy for two decades now. What about Revolgy’s culture has kept you here all these years?

We’ve gone from a small, Czech-based company to a truly global business. The diversity is inspiring — I get to interact with colleagues from all over the world, and we’re not just diverse in background but in experiences and perspectives. Moreover, this journey has continually pushed me to try new things and build new skills, which keeps my job exciting. It is a perfect combination.

It’s also about the personal relationships here — people genuinely support each other, both professionally and personally. That’s a huge reason why I’m still here and never thought of leaving.

What’s next for you at Revolgy? Do you have any plans or thoughts on where you see yourself in the near future?

Not really! I’ve never been someone who plans too far ahead. I prefer to address things as they come and make decisions accordingly. I’ve had this mindset throughout my life, and it has served me well here at Revolgy, too. If a new opportunity or challenge comes up, I’ll be ready to tackle it with the same curiosity I started with. I’ll keep learning and growing, wherever that path may take me.

Do you have any advice for those who would like to join Revolgy?

Well, it may sound funny coming from someone who hasn’t left a company in 20 years, but be ready for change. Revolgy moves fast; we constantly try new things, but we are also good at letting go of what doesn’t work. Being open to change will give you a real advantage. An open mind and willingness to learn go a long way here.

Beyond that, I’d say focus on building personal relationships. Revolgy is a place where people are not just colleagues — we’re friends, and that matters.

Thank you, Heli, for sharing your story and inspiring us with your journey. Your commitment and adaptability are at the heart of Revolgy's culture. Here's to more years of growth, learning, and friendships! 🥂

Read also: Success story: The way from Project Manager to CEO