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How not to sabotage your career: the importance of soft skills at a tech company

Written by Edit Ispánovity | September 9, 2024

Working at a tech company like Revolgy, having technical expertise is essential, but it’s not the whole picture. At Revolgy, we know that what really sets someone apart is a mix of technical know-how and soft skills — like communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. These are the traits that not only help you succeed but also make you a great fit for our team.

Why soft skills matter more than ever

Soft skills are one of the secret ingredients of a successful career. They help you navigate challenges, work well with others, and keep a positive attitude, even when things get tough. At Revolgy, where teamwork and innovation are part of our day-to-day practice, these skills are crucial.

For instance, in our fast-changing, cloud-based environment, adaptability is key. As technology evolves, so do our approaches. The people who thrive here are those who can think on their feet, embrace change, and keep a growth mindset. That’s why we look for people who not only can do their job well but also have a continuous growth mindset and will challenge us to improve, too.

Don’t be your own saboteur

One of the biggest obstacles to career growth is often self-sabotage. At Revolgy, we believe that understanding and overcoming these internal barriers is key to both personal and professional success. That’s where Positive Intelligence comes in — a framework designed to help you identify and manage the "saboteurs" in your mind. These are the negative thoughts and behaviors, like self-doubt, perfectionism, and procrastination, that can undermine your confidence and performance. By recognizing your saboteurs, you can start to minimize their impact on your decisions and performance.

Read also: What emotions have to do with finding the job you need

But Positive Intelligence doesn’t just stop at identifying what holds you back; it also helps you find your inner "sages" — the powers in you that foster positivity, creativity, and effectiveness. Nurturing your sage powers helps you become better at handling stress, building strong relationships, and achieving your goals.



At Revolgy, we place a high value on candidates who are not only technically skilled but also mentally resilient. Our internal mantra in our People Success team is “progress over perfection”. This philosophy is deeply ingrained in our culture. We understand that no one is perfect, but by getting to know ourselves better and focusing on continuous improvement, we can make meaningful progress — and that’s what truly matters.

Why it matters in our hiring process

Our hiring process at Revolgy is all about finding people who bring both technical skills and a positive mindset. Depending on the role, we might emphasize different soft skills. For example, in a customer-facing position, empathy and communication are key, while in a technical role, we might focus more on problem-solving and adaptability.



But the bottom line is always the same: we’re looking for people who can contribute positively to our culture and grow with us. We believe that knowing your saboteurs and being able to harness your sages can make a big difference in your performance and teamwork.

A helpful tip for you

If you’re curious about your own saboteurs and sages, we suggest taking the free Positive Intelligence assessment. It’s a great way to gain insights into your mental fitness and start your journey toward a more positive and productive mindset.

If you’re ready to join a team that values both your technical skills and your growth mindset, check out our open positions. We’re always looking for talented individuals who can make a positive impact!