Ze kITchen: Microsoft Windows apps on Chromebook with Parallels Desktop

When we are talking with some customers to switch to Chromebooks (ChromeOS), one of the blockers they express is the need to run some Microsoft Windows applications.

Natively on ChromeOS, you can run web apps, Android applications, or Linux Applications. However, if you still need to run some Windows applications, there is a solution - Parallels Desktop for Chromebook.

parralels desktop

In this 2nd Episode of Ze kITchen, I will show you how to install and deploy Microsoft Windows 10 on the Chromebooks of your company.

If you want to try Parallels desktop you can subscribe for a trial here: https://b2b.parallels.com/revolgy.html

As you’ll need as well a Chrome Enterprise licence, you can book a meeting with our sales here if you need it: https://meetings.revolgy.com/meetings/bem


Enjoy the video and don’t forget to let us know what you think:

We hope you like Damien’s and Jakub’s short show about Chromebooks and management of company IT. If so, get in touch with us or directly with them.