Revolgy blog - Cloud Platform Services (10)

Keep up with the dynamics of the market. Try microservices!

To stay on monolith or to re-write it to microservices? This is the question! The question for more...

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Cloud Storages I: Flash drives are dead! long live the cloud

What is a cloud storage and how does it work? Do you still remember the time when “a file” was just...

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GCP Stackdriver Logging export to bucket and extract textPayload from json with Cloud Functions

Stackdriver Logging can get expensive. Sometimes you don’t need to query/store all your application...

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5 reasons why working with a Cloud Partner is a good idea

Scalability. One of the most important business targets and essential requirement of modern...

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Have you heard of CaaS? It's time to try it out!

Fargate service got massively cheaper. This January AWS has significantly lowered the price of...

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How will Google Maps API updates affect your business?

Google Maps Platform is finally here! We're talking about revolutionary change in the Google Maps...

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Customising Virtual Machines in AWS, GCP and MS Azure

One of the most remarkable characteristics of the public cloud such as GCP or AWS is its speed....

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