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How to make CRM speak the natural language?
One of our clients approached us with a challenging task - help us to design a virtual agent being...
The Age of Intelligent Machines is (almost) here.
Folks at Google are real visionaries. What I love about them is that they're truly driven by making...
Complete guide for picking the right tool for Terraform Security Code Analysis
Are you puzzled from the wide range of choices of static analysis tools for Terraform? We looked at...
How to: automated long-term cloud SQL backups step by step guide
A solution for automating Cloud SQL backups through GCP technologies leaning as close to fully...
Google Container Registry lifecycle policy for images retention
Is your Google Container Registry filling up, taking up storage and becoming expensive? How to...
Everything is more important than IT infrastructure. Or is it?
When you start a new business, almost everything seems to be more important than the IT...
DevOps and SRE's are the new Linux Admins. But What the heck does this mean?
You have probably heard these buzzwords already. With the current boom in cloud computing, the...