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Kubernetes for Business in a Nutshell
Kubernetes. Sometimes my colleagues and I make fun of the fact that just proclaiming the word can...
LetsEncrypt Tomcat on Windows
This article describes the creation and setup of a certificate for HTTPS on a Tomcat server running...
Scaling in Google Kubernetes Engine
One of the main advantages of hosting application in the cloud is definitely the ability to scale...
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare Workers let you run JavaScript in Cloudflare’s 120+ edge locations around the world....
Istio: Multi-Cluster Federation and Hybrid Cloud
Your business is successful and you need to go global. How do you scale your app across multiple...
Google container builder for Easy and Quick CD Pipeline
I love Google Cloud Platform. I love Google Kubernetes Engine. And I love GitHub as well. But I...
Kubernetes in production — Pod Disruption Budget
How to manage disruptions in Kubernetes? Setting a proper RollingUpdate strategy specs solves only...